Cyber ​​Fortress at INSECON 2024!

Cyber ​​Fortress at INSECON 2024!

On 15-16 April 2024, Poznan hosted the International Cybersecurity Congress – INSECON 2024. This prestigious event attracted experts from all over the world, who shared their knowledge and experience in the field of the latest trends, challenges and innovations related to data protection and security in cyberspace.

On the first day of the Congress, participants had the opportunity to test their skills in our innovative game – Cyber Fortress. This team competition tested the participants’ strategic and technical skills. Before each game, the rules of the game were explained in detail and a short history of Cyber Fortress was presented. Most of the participants were playing our original game for the first time, but some of them already knew the rules from league games or training sessions that we also organise. We were very pleased when people came to say hello and brought new people to introduce them to Cyber Fortress!

On the first day, two different short scenarios were played out over several sessions. Each team was tasked with defending their fortress against cyber attacks, which provided a lot of excitement and practical knowledge in the field of cyber security.

During various events, such as INSECON 2024, you will have the unique opportunity to play Cyber Fortress for free, outside of league competition. We prepare special scenarios for each event so that everyone can try their hand at the game. Cyber Fortress is not only a game for experts, but also a great platform to learn cybersecurity using real examples!

We have over 80 scenarios in our database, each modelled on real cyber attacks. Thanks to this, by playing Cyber Fortress, participants can gain practical experience and better understand the threats they may face in reality.

On the day, many teams were formed to play Cyber Fortress, but we also had something for the spectators who could follow the scenario live, i.e. the subsequent injections and the results of the participating teams. This interactive approach kept everyone involved and provided an extra dose of emotion.

We would like to thank the organisers of the INSECON 2024 Cybersecurity Congress for the invitation!

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